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Wir können über unser Netzwerk den Kontakt zu ausgewiesenen Persönlichkeiten im Bereich des interkulturellen und interreligiösen Dialogs vermitteln.

  • Prof. Dr. Alberto Melloni (UNESCO Chair for Religious Pluralism and Peace, Bologna University, Italy)
  • Prof. em. Dr. Bernd Feininger  (former Dean of the Institute for Evangelical and Catholic Theology of the Pedagogical College Freiburg, Germany)
  • Mr. Riaz Ravat (Deputy Director of St Philip‘s Centre, Leicester, UK)
  • Rev. Prof. Dr. Christiaan Vonck  (Rector of the Faculty for Comparative Study of Religions, Antwerp, Belgium)
  • Mrs Karimah Stauch (Coordinator Europe United Religions Initiative URI)
  • Dr. Daniel Paracka (Director of International Services and Programs, Kennesaw State University, USA)
  • Dr. Douglas Kindschi (Director of the Kaufman Interfaith Institute, Grand Valley State University, Allendale, Michigan, USA)
  • Imam Dr. Benyamin Idriz  (Head of Munich Forum of Islam)
  • Sushma Pant (President, Nepal Chapter, International Association for Religious Freedom)
  • Dr. Brian Adams  (Director of the Centre for Interfaith & Cultural Dialogue, Griffith University)